Tag Archives: liquid nitrogen

Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream

Liquid nitrogen, if you’re not familiar with it, is a liquid that is commonly used to preserve tissue samples, remove warts, help keep MRIs cool, or cool high performance computers. The reason for this is its incredibly low temperature: -196 C (compare this to ice, which is 0 C, or dry ice, which is only -78.5 C…).

And this is what makes it perfect for creating ice cream in a matter of minutes… the rapid freezing also results in smaller ice crystals, meaning a much smoother taste. See below for some easy to follow instructions.

You will need a food processor, spatula, access to liquid nitrogen and suitable PPE!


  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 cup double cream
  • 5 tablespoons sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 cup of strawberries (or other fruit to taste)
  • 1 litre liquid nitrogen

Mix all the ingredients in the food processor and whisk for a few seconds. Start gradually pouring in the liquid nitrogen whilst whisking, keeping a spatula on the side of the bowl to break up any chunks of cold mixture. Eventually the mixture will freeze into a smooth, ice cream texture.

Caution: If you go too fast, or the bowl is too small, the rapid boil off of liquid nitrogen will cause your ice cream to bubble over the side of the bowl! (see above picture of the aftermath…)

Safety note about liquid nitrogen: Because it is so cold, and will expand to about 70 times its volume when it warms up, there are 3 major safety concerns when mixing liquid nitrogen and food:

  1. Wear appropriate gloves and clothing when handling, to avoid cold burns. If this does happen, hold the affected part under cold water for a few minutes.
  2. Make sure to perform the activity in a well ventilated room. If you are unsure there are calculators online that will let you determine the drop in relative oxygen content if your dewar of liquid nitrogen were to all boil off at once.
  3. Never eat or drink anything where the liquid nitrogen has not boiled off. This is simple to check as the ‘vapour’ that boils off when you add it to the ice cream will have stopped. Also, the ice cream would be too stiff for the food processor to mix if you had cooled it to -196 C.

STEM Community Day at Loughborough, 16th March 2019

Every year as part of British science week Loughborough University opens its doors to the community to host a range of STEM based activities. This year there are several activities organised by my group and in coordination with the UG reps:

If you’re in the area drop by for a chance to get messy, learn something new, or just have some fun! I will be posting summaries of each activity over the next few weeks.

British Science Week

As part of British Science Week, Loughborough University hosts a ‘Community Day’ event where Loughborough locals are invited on campus to take part in various ‘science based’ activities.

This year it falls on 25th March I will be:

  • Coordinating an Electrodough workshop – for which we’re looking for student ambassadors.
  • Running a ‘Cold Science’ demonstration with liquid nitrogen.
  • Working with the East Midlands Institute of Physics to deliver several ‘busking’ activities –  for which I’m looking for student ambassadors.

If you’re interested in getting involved please let me know.


Liquid nitrogen

Roughly the same cost (weight for weight) as a pint of milk, it’s a common feature in science fiction films: the nitrogen dewar in the background that might at some point be used to freeze that alien chasing you down the corridor…

But how much liquid nitrogen would it actually take to do this?

Hint: Assume the creature weighs about 50kg and has a heat capacity of 2000 J/K/kg. Liquid nitrogen has a temperature of 77K and latent heat of 199 kJ/kg. For arguments sake, let’s say the creature becomes vulnerable at 250K…

Now let’s add another complication: the Leidenfrost effect. As a coolant, the low boiling point of liquid nitrogen (77K) typically means that it will boil off so fast on contact with another object much hotter than it, that a ‘protective’ layer of air is formed. This will insulate said object from the cooling effects of the liquid nitrogen, for example preventing cold burns for anyone crazy enough to stick their hand in a bucket of liquid nitrogen for a second or two. CAUTION: This effect will not stop you from getting burnt as more nitrogen is added.

For more see Wikipedia entry for liquid nitrogen